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Is COVID'19 the reason for the accelerated Digital Transformation in enterprises?

Since the outbreak of Covid-19 or Corona Virus, the world has been in a state of complete lockdown. From schools to offices, malls to restaurants, every single place had been shut down to prevent the spread of this deadly virus. Although this Covid-19 pandemic has slowed the business world, it has also enabled a global home-based working environment, which is entirely dependent on digital resources. It has forced companies and enterprises to transform their business strategy towards digital transformation across the globe. It has become not only necessary but essential to manage the workplaces as well as schools and colleges, and become digitally transformed to keep up with the current pandemic scenarios. The companies that can use technology extensively, and can reorganize their business model with the initiation of the digital transformation, will be quite ahead of their competitors. So, yes, Covid-19 has become one of the most important reasons for the acceleration of Digital Transformation in various enterprises.

How is Covid-19 enhancing Digital Transformation?

As of earlier, there were around 60-70% of companies that used digital transformation in their workplace or were working on it for its operation but it seems that most companies were not that far enough ahead. According to the experts in digital transformation, there are a few reasons behind the forced digital transformation in various enterprises since the Covid-19 outbreak.

Tele-working or Online working– Since the lockdown; industries, schools, banks, etc. have been working virtually or digitally to keep up with the work. The people who used to prohibit ‘work from home’ are now the ones initiating it. Every engineer, banker, teacher, industrial worker, is using the ability of technology as a means to work from home. Furthermore, people are also able to talk to their friends and family, using the means of digital platforms to spend more time with them as well as stay connected. Tele-working or telecommunication has paved the way for many companies to work from the comfort of their homes while taking necessary precautions to avoid the spread of the virus. Earlier, before the pandemic, there were a few people who used to work from home and few companies who provided their employees with this option but as of now, almost every large enterprise, as well as small companies, have encouraged their employees to work from their homes due to the current pandemic. Although work from home is beneficial for many employees, it is observed that many companies lack the technological infrastructure, which may affect their business. This setback has steered the companies to comprehend the inevitable benefits of Digital Transformation.

Tele-health or E-Health– There was not much progress in the field of telemedicine before the outbreak of Covid-19, however, the experts in health organizations and the health officials are expanding their healthcare system through telemedicine with the help of technological enforcements such as Smartphones, laptops, tabloids, and various other tools. Through telehealth, there will be a continuous reduction in human-to-human contact, preventing the spread of the virus. It will also help the people to be able to assess their medical issues as well as diagnose themselves, thereby providing them with the treatment and the precautions. So, even in the medical field, the Digital Transformation is improving with various benefits due to the pandemic.

Distance/Online Learning– Owing to the increment in the spread of Covid-19, all the schools, colleges, and universities are shut down which has shifted them towards ‘virtual learning’. Amidst the outbreak of this pandemic, schools and colleges across the globe have been providing online classes or E-classes to their students through various applications, increasing the use of digital technology. Although several universities had already been providing distance learning as a part of their curriculum, therefore they were better prepared for this change; on the other hand, many other educational organizations never provided distance courses or online methods of studying; consequently, they are the ones that have been adversely affected. Some institutions have shifted to virtual learning, enabling the teachers and the administrators to allow the students, access to the online methods and materials which they will require to continue their studies from home. This shift towards digital education due to the current pandemic will prove to be helpful for educational organizations in the future.

Virtual Events– Since the Covid-19 outbreak, many companies and organizations are conducting virtual conferences, events, meetings, etc. using digital methods. As the cities and countries have been in a state of complete lockdown, the scheduled conferences and meetings are being virtually held. Conferences are a way of exchanging ideas and opinions to build a professional relationship, therefore, most of the companies are using the means of technology to hold the virtual conference instead of in-person events, by using video networking and virtual tools. This pandemic has forced the business proprietors and conference coordinators to think conceptually, to offer enthralling ideas towards public interest and their safety. This event will also enable a better virtual experience for the people.


Companies do understand the importance of Digital Transformation but are often inundated when they have to re-establish their digital approach and face difficulty without the proper knowledge of its implementation. It makes them realize the importance of not knowing digital transformation and how their company or organization will disrupt if they do not follow a digitally accessible environment. The ultimate goal of using digital transformation is to solve and manage the traditional problems with the use of technology that is, integrating technology into every area of the business. If done well, it results in exceptional value to customers. Organizations initiate a Digital Transformation to adopt various digital solutions, evolve continuously, and create a seamless customer experience. Each part of the company has a vital role in processing digital transformation, which impacts the customers in its unique ways. Digital transformation is an outlook that shapes an organization's experience and culture, creating a more convenient transformation.


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