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Exam Policies
A detailed set of strict norms and policies that comply with the rigorous standards of top statutory and credentialing excellence bodies globally govern the Digital Strategy Institute exam system.
Policies for Candidates
DSI practices strict policies to help in managing and maintaining integrity as well as the sincerity of its internationally renowned examinations. Furthermore, it ensures that a positive, vigorous, unbiased, and a considerate evaluation is done on an applicant’s eligibility for the certification and program.
Exam Reappear Policy
If the person taking the exam is not able to secure a passing score in the exam attempt they can pay a nominal fee of $65 USD to reappear.
Exam Reapply Policy
If the candidate intends to voluntarily cancel the scheduled exam appointment. He/she can make the edit in the account dashboard and re-apply by paying a nominal fee of $65 USD.
Candidate Exam Conduct Policy
DSI has a ‘zero–tolerance’ policy for misconduct or adoption of unfair means in the exam. During the exam, the test manager will have the rights and authority to dismiss a candidate from the exam session for any of the below-mentioned reasons:
a) Causing disturbance during the exam session
b) Find answers on online websites and notes, wristwatch, books, calculators, or other auxiliary equipment/ devices
c) Use of cell phones
d) Let friends access the exam questions at the same time and providing solutions through screen sharing
e) Leaving the room or getting up in the middle of the test to use unfair means
f) Attempt to remove/ edit questions during the exam
g) Disobeying the directions given by the proctor (the test manager)
h) Sharing the exam content with others
DSI is authorized to take legal action against anybody who violates copyright laws (e.g.,: reproducing & distributing exam content and materials) The exam form, the data bank of questions, and all exam-related materials are the legal property of DSI and have copyrights.
Any message – written, verbal, or electronic – made by a candidate that is against the policies of exams is strictly prohibited.
Candidate Appeals
a. In the case of a DSI Disciplinary Action in the pre and post-exam scene.
Candidates seeking to object to DSI actions or decisions and their candidacy, please write to: to initiate processes and actions.
b. In the case of Emergencies and No Show
Candidates who have missed a scheduled exam due to unavoidable circumstances or emergencies should directly contact DSI at to report the matter. Succeeding are the reasons that are acceptable by DSI and are considered genuine or justifiable to accept the request of re-taking the exam:
c. If candidates themselves or any of their family members (like Siblings, Spouse, Grandparents, Parents or Children) meet a serious accident or develop a medical condition that demands serious attention.
d. If there is a bereavement in the family (like Siblings, Spouse, Grandparents, Parents or Children).
If examinees are summoned by courts, or are required for some urgent national duty, or are drafted on juries.
Candidates who missed out on their scheduled DSI exam for any of the above-listed reasons should contact DSI at the email id: and request for a retake by submitting doctor’s or hospital certificates etc., as proof of the emergency encountered.
Please note: The program fee is non-refundable. However, if the case is not listed under our no-show policy, an additional fee of $65 USD will be charged for reapplication.
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