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Digital Growth Companies®
Harnessing the power of digital for growth in 2023
SearchRuby and Digital Strategy Institute have come together to identify and publish Digital Growth Leaders to honor and recognise companies creating stunning digital experiences through next generation solutions. This unique study will also include a distinguished mention of Digital Growth Companies® for harnessing and advancing the power of digital across industries, which will be released in the first week of December 2023.
To meet this goal, SearchRuby and the Digital Strategy Institute are looking for businesses that have experienced significant revenue growth over the next two years.
To determine whether your company qualifies for our list, we ask that you to verify you revenue figures for the years ending in March 2019 and March 2022, as well as some additional information, such as your firm's headcount at the end of October 2022.
Companies that are able to achieve a position in the prestigious Digital Growth Companies® will be featured in an interactive table on Digital Strategy Institute and www.digitalstrategyinstitute.org
The report will be featured in The TopCISO news and a special report supplement, which will be published as part of the CIO Journal.
New business opportunities
Employer branding
Effective media coverage
Important Dates to remember
Register by 13th November 2023
Our study will be published in the first week of December 2023
Enjoy and benefit from your company’s success!
Why should you participate?
An entry and inclusion on the Digital Strategy Institute's list of the is a gateway to new opportunities for your company because it is a visible and public demonstration of your success that goes well beyond your particular field and nation. It will also attract interest from potential partners, consumers, and investors from all around the world who are part of the Digital Strategy Ecosystem.
Employer branding: As a company grows, demand for new employees is typically generated. Being seen by potential workers in the prestigious mention of the Digital Strategy Institute will not only raise your profile as an employer, but it will also offer them insight into your firm's long-term potential.
Positive media coverage: Companies that are able to secure a spot in Digital Growth Companies® will be featured in an interactive study on the Digital Strategy Institute www.digitalstrategyinstitute.org and will also be covered by TopCISO news, as well as a special report supplement.
Online Reputation: All companies that are listed in Digital Growth Companies® may utilize the award logo for marketing purposes*. Acknowledgement of achievement online at www.digitalstrategyinstitute.org Induction into the Digital Strategy Institute for ICT next generation leaders. Opportunity of being covered in the Digital 20 list of the most successful digital companies.
*The use of the label and the word-and-image logo “Digital Growth Companies 2023“ for marketing purposes is subject to a one-time payment of a licence fee. Inclusion in the Digital Growth Companies® is completely free of charge.
Who can apply and nominate their company?
Only applicable to organizations that have a minimum revenue of USD $1 million in 2019 (fiscal year ending in March 2019)
By 2022, revenue of at least $10 million has to be achieved (fiscal year ending in March 2022)
Should be an independent firm (the applying company should not be a subsidiary or branch office of another business).
The revenue increase between 2019 and 2022 was primarily organic (i.e., "internally" caused)
Do I pay for registration and nomination?No
Do I have to pay to be included in the Digital Growth Companies?No, not at all. If your company is included in the Digital Growth Companies, you are free to celebrate its success via a press release, social media posts, or a corporate website. Only firms that want to use the official seal with the Digital Strategy Institute logo and the title Digital Growth Companies® 2023 must pay a licence fee in a one-time payment.
Is it necessary for me to obtain an Digital Growth Companies 2023 license in order to mention or reference my position?No. All those who get into the top selection are free to publicize this information, regardless of whether they paid a fee for a licence. The official seal Digital Growth Companies 2023, which is available for licensing, is simply another method for those interested in advertising and extolling their success in a more visually appealing way.
Is the development of Digital Growth Companies 2023 a commissioned and paid job?No, Digital Strategy Institute is a not-for-profit organization. This project has only one revenue source for our partners responsible for executing the program - which is revenues from licence fees of using the official DSI - Digital Strategy Institute seal and badge, as outlined above.
When is the last date for registration or nominating my company?Registration through the online form can be completed before November 13th 2023.
Who is allowed to participate?Any firm that satisfies the above mentioned criteria.
How do you ensure that data is accurate from participants?The managing director / CEO, finance director/CFO, or a member of your executive committee must sign off on revenue data to verify them. The form may be sent by email, fax, or post.
What factors were used to identify Digital Growth Companies 2023?The companies on Digital Growth Companies are identified on the basis of potential of the digital solutions and the examples of using digital to solve customer problems. Those businesses and organizations that have changed, taken strong action, and updated their processes and technology to enter a new era. Proactive future-proofing entails changing technology, data, procedures, or people in order to prepare for a more flexible future.
Would you disclose/ sell or share our revenue numbers and other number data to world?No, your data is kept secure by Digital Strategy Institute. The income and sales figures will be kept private with Digital Strategy Institute.
How will I know if my firm has been included in the Digital Growth Companies?Our study will be published in Digital Strategy Institute and on TopCISO, allowing everyone to read and discuss the findings. In advance of this, the successful firms will be notified by email of their inclusion in the Digital Growth Companies.
Any other query?Please write to us at - ocode@digitalstrategyinstitute.org